Saturday, 2024-07-27, 0:04 AM
Strokers' Retreat Survey
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A province wide questionnaire which can be applied regionally

In an online group called TurtleTalk, as well as in a recent conference call with our former executive director we have been discussing the matter of stroke retreat camps.

Attendance has been the main obstacle in the past few years.  Our widely dispersed membership and forever changing demographics make it difficult to choose a suitable venue to host this type of event. 

The benefit for stroke survivors resulting from these events is huge.  This was evident at the Easter Camp which ran for approximately 25 years (1979-2004?) and had returning members year after year.  It is not only the program offered, but the camaraderie, and learning achieved by spending time with fellow stroke survivors whilst performing our daily routines. The benefits of similar camps are being realized world-wide and there are a growing number found on the Internet mostly in the United States. 

It has come to our attention that perhaps smaller regional camps may be the answer.  For a large all encompassing provincial camp to succeed, we need to get to know each other and learn for ourselves the benefits of retreat camps.  We have put together a questionnaire which we encourage all members to fill out.  The results will be available to aid in the planning of future prospective venues throughout the province.

Anyone interested in retreats and events for stroke survivors is also welcome to join TurtleTalk.  Since the end of March, we have looked at Stillwood, UBC, Camp Alexandra and Camp Zajak. Presently Camp Zajak looks like a feasible possibility if distance is no problem..  

Have you ever thought of riding a horse,  swimming, dancing, or playing  floor hockey and trying other activities since your stroke? Naturally, you're not required to participate in anything.  You can kick back and enjoy the comfort and ease discovered while residing with your peers. Here is an opportunity to take part in such activities with a strong volunteer / stroke survivor ratio in a safe friendly environment with others facing the same challenges.

If you thought you would never camp again, think again.

We can show you how.   

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